
Data Acquisition Unit

DEIF’s Data Acquisition Unit (FX-30) is the gateway part of the Insight data management platform for equipment in the field. Using the FX-30 requires you to access DEIF's Insight Remote Monitoring Service.

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DEIF’s Data Acquisition Unit (FX-30) is the gateway part of the Insight data management platform for equipment in the field, facilitating and improving remote service while cutting costs.

The compact, energy-efficient and rugged unit requires no IT expertise and no programming. The integration into dedicated DEIF Power Management solutions is flawless.

While constantly monitoring your system, the FX-30 only saves data when changes occur, i.e. events are always captured (event-based logging).

Designed especially for industrial applications, these solutions offer 2G and 3G mobile cloud access and are  quickly and easily connected to your equipment. 

They do not require static IP or VPN and have no firewall issues.

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